Confirmed Invited Speakers
*as of August 3, 2022
Special Symposium "Physics of Superfluid Helium 3 - Past, Present, and Future"
- David Lee (Texas A&M Univ.)
The Discovery of Superfluid Helium-3 (video messeage)
- Anthony J. Leggett (Univ. of Illinois)
What makes superfluid 3-He special?
- James A. Sauls (Northwestern Univ.)
Superfluid 3He - Nature’s Gift to Physics
- John Saunders (Royal Holloway, Univ. of London)
Superfluid 3He; a perspective on future prospects from materials science to fundamental physics.
- Eva Andrei (Rutgers Univ.)
The Magic of Atomically Thin Crystals
- Michel H. Devoret (Yale Univ.)
Error correction of a logical quantum bit beyond the break-even point
- Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT)
The Magic of Moire Quantum Matter
- Yuji Matsuda(Kyoto Univ.)
Topological properties of Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate α-RuCl3
- Yasunobu Nakamura (Univ. of Tokyo)
Quantum magnonics: manipulating and detecting single quanta of collective spin excitations in a ferromagnetic crystal
- Sae Woo Nam (NIST)
“Super” neuromorphic computing with low temperature devices
Half Plenary
- Patrice Bertet (CEA Saclay)
Spin detection by microwave photon counting
- Nicholas Butch (Univ. of Maryland)
Conjuction of Superconductivity, Magnetism, and Correlations in UTe2
- Hong Ding (Institute of Physics, CAS)
Iron-based superconductors as a new Majorana playground
- Gwendal Feve (Ecole Normale Paris)
Fractional statistics in anyon collisions
- Harold Hwang (Stanford Univ.)
Superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
- Hae-Young Kee (Univ. of Toronto)
Theoretical studies of frustrated Kitaev magnetic systems
- Andrew Mackenzie (MPI Dresden)
The superconductivty of Sr2RuO4
- Ryuji Nomura (Hokkaido Univ.)
Quantum Crystallizations of 4He Far from Equilibrium
- Silke Paschen (Vienna Univ. of Technology)
Correlation-driven metallic topology
- Masatoshi Sato (Yukawa Institute, Kyoto Univ.)
Majorana Fermions and Pairing Symmetries in Topological Superconductors
- David Schuster (Univ. of Chicago)
Building qubits with electrons levitated above helium and neon
- Michelle Simmons (UNSW Sydney)
Engineering qubits in silicon with atomic precision
- Ladislav Skrbek (Charles Univ.)
Quantum Turbulence in Helium Superfluids
- John Teufel (NIST)
Recent Progress in Quantum Electromechanical Systems
- Yoshinori Tokura (RIKEN)
Emergent electromagnetic phenomena in topological magnets
- Takayuki Tomaru (NAOJ)
Cryogenics in Gravitational Wave Telescope
- Yayu Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Axion insulator and helical Chern insulator phases in MnBi2Te4 antiferromagnetic topological insulator
- Michihisa Yamamoto (RIKEN)
Observation and Control of the Kondo Screening Cloud
- Eli Zeldov (Weizman Institute)
SQUID-on-tip nanoscale thermal imaging: Glimpse into dissipation in quantum systems down to atomic scale
- Martin W. Zwierlein (MIT)
Spin, heat and Hall transport in strongly interacting quantum gases
❶ Quantum Gases, Fluids and Solids
- Yury Bunkov (Russian Quantum Center)
Quantum magnonics at room temperature
- John Davis (Univ. of Alberta)
Superfluid Helium-3 Electromechanics
- Vladimir Dmitriev (Kapitza Institute)
Superfluid 3He in Nematic Aerogel in High Magnetic Field
- Vladimir Eltsov (Aalto Univ.)
Flow in the nodal-line superfluid in confined 3He
- Wei Guo (Florida State Univ.)
Watching the decay of quantized vortex rings in superfluid helium-4
- Jack Harris (Yale Univ.)
Measurements of superfluid helium drops levitated in high vacuum
- Petri J. Heikkinen (Univ. of London)
Chiral superfluidity of helium-3 in quasi-two-dimensional limit
- Yuki Kawaguchi (Nagoya Univ.)
Superfluids under External Driving
- Denis Konstantinov (OIST)
Realization of spin qubits with electrons on superfluid helium
- Jere Makinen (Aalto Univ.)
Rotating quantum wave turbulence and onset of the Kelvin wave cascade
- Takeshi Mizushima (Osaka Univ.)
Pair Density Waves in Confined Superfluid 3He
- Keiya Shirahama (Keio Univ.)
4D XY Quantum Criticality in 4He Confined in Nanoporous Media
- Emil Varga (Univ. of Alberta)
Surface-dominated finite size effects in nanoconfined superfluid helium
- Andrey Vilesov (Univ. of Southern California)
Angular momentum in rotating superfluid droplets
❷ Superconductivity
- Daniel Agterberg (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Pseudospin-Triplet Pairing in UTe2
- Dai Aoki (Tohoku Univ.)
Multiple superconducting phases and field induced phenomena in novel spin-triplet superconductor UTe2
- Anand Bhattacharya (Argonne Nat. Lab)
Superconductivity at interfaces of KTaO3 and its origin
- Stuart Brown (UCLA)
On the Nature of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Xianhui Chen (USTC)
Topology and correlation driven exotic electronic phases in a kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5
- Dmitri Efetov (ICFO - Barcelona Inst. Sci. Tech)
Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
- Tetsuo Hanaguri (RIKEN)
Possible Majorana Zero Mode in the Vortex Cores of Fe(Se,Te)
- Elena Hassinger (MPI-CPfS)
The Two-Phase Superconductor CeRh2As2
- Nigel Hussey (Univ. of Bristol)
Compartmentalizing the cuprate strange metal
- Yoshihiro Iwasa (Univ. of Tokyo)
Density controlled BCS-BEC crossover in 2D superconductor
- Juhn-Jong Lin (NYCU)
Spin-triplet superconductivity in nonmagnetic CoSi2/TiSi2 heterostructures
- Dirk Manske (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)
Higgs spectroscopy of unconventional superconductors in non-equilibrium
- Teruo Ono (Kyoto Univ.)
Superconducting Diode Effect in Rashba Superlattice
- Philip Phillips (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Beyond BCS: An Exact Model for Superconductivity and Mottness
- Aline Ramires (PSI)
Deconstructing Sr2RuO4: Insights from a microscopic perspective
- Brad Ramshaw (Cornell Univ.)
Searching for Multi-Component Superconductors with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Noriaki Sato (Aichi Institute of Tech)
Superconductivity in quasicrystal
- Elke Scheer (Univ. of Konstantz)
Tunnel Spectroscopy of Hybrid Superconducting Systems
- Liling Sun (IOP, Chin, Acad. Sci.)
New findings in pressurized superconducting cuprate and non-superconducting heavy fermion compound
- Alexei Tsvelik (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
A solvable 3D Kondo lattice model exhibiting odd-frequency pairing and fractionalization.
- Cristian Urbina (CEA Saclay)
Spin and Coulomb interaction effects on Andreev states in hybrid weak links
- Stephen Wilson (UCSB)
Unconventional charge density wave order and superconductivity in the new class of topological kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=K, Rb, Cs)
- Yoichi Yanase (Kyoto Univ.)
Parity transition and topological superconductivity in a locally noncentrosymmetric superconductor CeRh2As2
- Andrea Young (UCSB)
Superconductivity and magnetism in crystalline graphite allotropes
❸ Magnetism and Quantum Phases
- Akihiko Ikeda (Univ. of Electro-Communications)
Spin triplet exciton condensations in LaCoO3 at ultrahigh magnetic fields up to 600 T
- Allan MacDonald (Univ. of Texas)
Itinerant Electron Ferrmomagnetism in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
- Philippe Mendels (Univ. Paris Sud)
Kagome Quantum Spin Liquids: the case of Herbertsmithite
- Phuan Ong (Princeton Univ.)
Thermal Hall conductivity Kxy and Kxx in the Kitaev magnet α-RuCl3
- Je-Geun Park (Seoul National Univ.)
Possible spin-orbit entangled J-physics in Co compounds
- Licong Peng (RIKEN)
Dynamic transition of current-driven single-skyrmion motion in a chiral-lattice magnet
- Natalia Perkins (Univ. of Minnesota)
Quantum spin liquid
- Filip Ronning (Los Alamos National Lab,)
Topology and Correlations in f-electron Materials
- Henrik Ronnow (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne)
SrCu2(BO3)2 - a Deep Purple crystal
- Yuki Sato (RIKEN)
Charge-neutral fermions and magnetic field-driven instability in insulating YbIr3Si7
- Qimiao Si (Rice Univ.)
Quantum Critical Metals: From Loss of Quasiparticles to High-Tc Superconductivity
- Hidenori Takagi (MPI & Univ. of Stuttgart)
Magnetothermal Transport in the Field-induced Quantum Spin Liquid State of a Honeycomb Jeff=1/2 Magnet
- Roser Valenti (Frankfurt Univ.)
Topological phases in correlated systems from first principles
- Huiqiu Yuan (Zhejiang Univ.)
Ferromagnetic quantum criticality
❹ Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- Anne Anthore (CNRS Paris-Saclay)
Transmission of quantum state of electrons across a metallic island with Coulomb interaction
- Eddy Collin (CNRS institut Neel)
A macroscopic object passively cooled into its quantum ground state of motion
- Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zurich)
Quantum devices in graphene
- Kensuke Kobayashi (Univ. of Tokyo)
Three-body correlation in nonequilibrium quantum liquid
- Michael J. Manfra (Purdue Univ.)
Interferometry in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime
- Antti Ranni (Lund Univ.)
Real-time detection of two-electron tunneling processes in a Cooper pair splitter
- Benjamin Sacepe (Institut Neel, CNRS)
Tunable quantum Hall broken-symmetry orders in graphene
- Mika Sillanpaa (Aalto Univ.)
Quantum backaction and entanglement with mechanical oscillators
- Shintaro Takada (AIST)
A single-electron toolbox for quantum applications assisted by sound waves
- Kenta Takeda (RIKEN)
High-fidelity quantum gates and quantum error correction with silicon spin qubits
- Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich)
Realizing Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Circuits
❺ Cryogenic Techniques and Device Applications
- Rami Barends (Julich Research Center)
Resolving and mitigating correlated errors in superconducting qubits
- Attila Geresdi (Chalmers Univ.)
500 microkelvin nanoelectronics
- Benjamin Mazin (UCSB)
Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Astrophysics, Biophysics, and Dark Matter Detection
- Tatsumi Nitta (Univ. of Washington)
Cryogenics for the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment
- Maciej Zgirski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Switching thermometry for dynamical investigations of thermal processes at nanoscale